Accidentally building a product I don't dare sell -- the jigglemagic story

by Aaron Cieslicki | at Minnebar 19

My intentions were nearly entirely wholesome when it all started. Working as a remote engineer in a corporate setting, I kept finding that websites I needed to access for work (stackoverflow, reddit, and others) were blocked by default on the corporate network. While I could appeal to the network team to unblock these sites, it was a site-by-site approach, and frustratingly slow. I found myself more and more researching on my personal laptop, but then my work laptop logged out and showed me inactive, which, as any remote worker will tell you, is not a good thing.

This is a story about finding ways to keep my online status green, going down a curiosity rabbit hole, and coming out the other side having designed, built, and bought inventory of a product I didn't dare sell. It's a story about software, hardware, product design, and marketing -- and the difficulties therein.

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Aaron Cieslicki

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