LED The Way: From Plug-and-Play to Hacking with WLED

by David Simmer | at Minnebar 19

So you'd like to have some LED lighting behind your TV. Maybe under a shelf. Hmm, built in to your closet shelves? Programmable colors and patterns would be fun... and before you know it, you're eyeballing full-house installations that sync to music and are the delight of neighbors for miles around.

But where to start? What can you accomplish with an off-the-shelf kit? As your project aspirations get more complicated and custom, what are the components you'll need to understand in order to achieve your glowing vision?

Come take a look at my journey into beginning/intermediate LED hackery, and leave with a better grasp of how to get your own LED projects started.


David Simmer

David Simmer is a designer and engineer with a couple decades of experience building for people who use the web. Homeschooled as a kid, and having shifted to working in tech as second career, he's had a weird and fortunate career journey.

Most recently, he's been a fullstack engineer at Netflix for 5+ years working on a wide variety of efforts: GraphQL Federation, unifying UX across internal tools, improving the experience of software migrations large and small, and cross-functional projects that make other engineers' days better.

After five years away in California, he now lives in St Paul with his wife Cleo and two rescue dogs named Chuck and Greta. Among other hobbies, he plays piano, mountain bikes, skis, and is learning to build cabinetry.

Website: https://simmer.ooo


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