So, you want to be a consultant?

by Brad Koehn | at Minnebar 19

Looking back at a decades-long career in consulting, Brad Koehn shares the knowledge he wished he’d had along the way. In this engaging, thoughtful presentation, he outlines different careers in consulting, from working for a firm, to independent contracting, to advisory consulting, to starting a firm.

During the presentation he demystifies how consulting works, outlines four types of consulting practices and how they differ, and gives detailed, practical directions for getting started.

If you’ve ever been curious about getting into consulting, be sure not to miss this presentation.

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Brad Koehn

I've been in software engineering for thirty years, as a consultant at a boutique, running an office at said boutique, at a multinational, an indie contractor, and most recently as a management consultant. Along the way I've had the chance to learn from a lot of really smart people in a wide variety of fields, from computer science and the business of technology, to organizational theory, leadership, and behavioral psychology.

I'm at a stage in life where I want to give back to the community and share lessons learned to help people avoid some of the mistakes and do a bit better than I did.

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