Saying sayonara to AWS: Leave the cloud. Run hardware. Save $10 million.

by Andrew Dahl | at Minnebar 19

The costs keep mounting, but you’re not getting anything more. You are allowed to leave!

Our application was born and grew in the cloud. But it has since grown to a point where it doesn’t make financial or technical sense to keep it there. Our monthly AWS bill began to take on an exponential trend. Because of this, we're now saying goodbye to AWS, moving to dedicated hardware, and are on track to save well beyond $10 million over the coming years. For a startup like us, this is the difference between life and death.

I will take you through what we did to move a complex, growing distributed application with thousands of customers, who depend on us to run significant parts of their businesses, out of AWS onto new dedicated infrastructure and will show you that, yes, you can too. We’ll look at choosing providers, sizing hardware, linking and routing between environments, moving data, and the huge impact that dedicated hardware has on improving latency, performance and reliability, not to mention reduced, predictable cost. The public cloud providers want you to think that all of this is out of reach and you’d be foolish to try. Not so! If you’re willing to learn and willing to debug, you have all of the tools necessary to make a successful move. Let’s take a look together!

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Andrew Dahl

I work as Platform Infrastructure Engineer at Inngest where we provide durable step functions and workflows without having to manage queues, state, and scheduling.

I am deeply experienced in high-traffic, high-availability internet infrastructure on-prem and in the cloud and am passionate about sharing my knowledge to make infrastructure just work.


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