by Tea Dejanovic and Kay Roseland | at MinneBar 13
Looking to upgrade your evenings from Netflix and craft beer, and do something fun and productive with your time? Bored at your current job? Tired of corporate tech that's not making a real world impact? Looking to meet other like minded tech professionals in Twin Cities? Skill based volunteering is the answer to all of the above! Giving back helps improve your mood, increases your sense of purpose and reduces your stress levels. First part of the session will be a review of volunteer options that currently exist in Twin Cities tech community. Second part will be an ideation session on breaking barriers to introduce pro bono volunteer programs in the corporate work setting.
Streamlining the delivery and adoption of new technologies Monday - Friday, empowering young women in tech on the weekends! Passionate about growing community engagement and fostering the mindset of 'pay it forward' in the professional setting.
Kay Roseland has an extensive background in marketing, along with an MBA in management from the University of St. Thomas. She started her blog Shareology in 2009, and joined Twitter nine years ago. Along the way, she earned two certifications in social media. Her blogging experience, combined with having coffee with nearly every social media practitioner in Minneapolis-St. Paul, lead to a position with Infor as a Social Media Strategist where she edited the blog From the Source and held down #1 on the Infor employee advocacy platform. Since leaving Infor, she has focused on volunteering at MinneBar, MinneDemo, MinneAnalytics, Social Media Breakfast, MN Blog Con and MIMA Summit.