How to Yo-yo

by Alex Ulrich | at Minnebar 19

Have you ever thrown a yoyo? Can you do any tricks?

The yo-yo is one of the world's oldest toys, and is a great way to build coordination, focus, and determination.

While my day job is being an engineer at Improving, I was formerly a competitive yo-yo player, and have over 20 years of experience playing with a yo-yo.

In this interactive session, we will cover the following:

  • How to setup a yoyo
  • How to throw a yoyo correctly
  • The three most common yo-yo tricks
    • Rock the Baby
    • Walk the Dog
    • Around the World.

If you're a complete beginner, this is the course for you. No prior experience is required. Yo-yos will be available to use, at the session, all you need is the curiosity to learn a new skill.


Alex Ulrich

Alex Is a software developer with 15 years of experience, with projects ranging from front-end to back-end to big data. He is currently working at Improving, striving to change the perception of the IT Industry, helping clients with all manner of challenges.

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