Building A Tricorder

by Chris Gallaty | at Minnebar 19

Who does not want to own a real tricorder? There's never been a compelling product offered short of expensive props, and it's something I've wanted to play with for years. Rather than just make it a throw away side project though, I figured I would treat it as an actual exercise in product design of a real, extensible hardware platform. In this session we will break down the process of tackling the project from an engineering stand point, looking at all aspects including case design, hardware selection, software development, and more. We'll also talk about the tools available today to actually build your own products.

Given the subject, we have to geek out a little bit, but when it comes to details we won't have time to go too deep, this is more an overview of the journey talking about the trials, tribulations, and tricorders along the way.

And yes, there will be actual tricorders.

All levels

Chris Gallaty

Enterprise Architect | IoT Tinkerer | Hardware Hacker | CAD Dabbler | 3D Printer | Warranty Voider | Retro Tech Fan


  • Twitter: @cgallaty

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