Group Discussion: How to Google Better in the Information Age

by Ben J MacKinney | at MinneBar 13

Note: Limit 25 participants. RSVP is clicking the *interest button.

Learn from each other how to get to a working level of knowledge in any topic quickly and make better decisions by asking better questions.

We will start with a 5 minute presentation on the process we go through for finding information online. The rest of our time will be spent with structured small group discussions that will feed into whiteboarding conclusions.

Bring a laptop!

Join the discussion now!

Feel free to add any articles or youtube videos if you have any favorites on topics like how to research or write better Google search querys.


Ben J MacKinney

Hi! Thanks for checking out my bio. Im an entrepreneur and advise startups. More than anything, I love to help people bring their ideas to life and help with strategic planning. If you are an aspiring entrepreneur, product owner or marketer I'd love to connect and jam with you after the conference!

I love MINNESTAR and am a huge advocate for entrepreneurship and innovation as ways to change the world for good.

Looking forward to chatting!


  • Twitter: @BenMacKinney