One neat trick to make moar money from your app!

by Kyle Smaagard | at MinneBar 13

Alternative, non-click baitey title: Adventures in App Pricing :)

Over the seven years I've been developing Android Apps I've done numerous experiments with app pricing models and I want to share my thoughts. We'll talk about the evolution of pricing options and I'll bring out a bunch of data I've collected over the years. This will be an extended version of my GDG talk last August (with more data!)

Also, I wasn't kidding about the one neat trick to make more money with little effort, we'll talk about how two of my apps made 60%+ increased revenue with no functional changes.

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Kyle Smaagard

Kyle Smaagard is a former Air Force Officer and self-taught programmer. His knowledge is all over the place including:

  • Satellite Construction
  • Supply Chain Management
  • 3d Printing
  • Android Development
  • Product Management
  • Machine Learning

He taught himself to code in the middle of the desert and has leveraged that knowledge to be effective in building Android Applications and a 3d Printing business.

For his real job he works at an awesome company called Calabrio and for the last 3 years has been running an AI/ML research team.
