R U Measuring Right Stuff: How do we know we’re delivery quality, value, and making a difference? ;-)

by Kevin Burns | at MinneBar 13

In honor of Robert M. Pirsig, author of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, let’s have a Chautauqua on quality and value how we’re measuring it. Piggy-backing on last year’s theme from the Twin Cities Agile Day, we’re part of an AntiFrAgile organization if we’re measuring the right stuff. Are we measuring the right stuff? How do you know? I’ll share some philosophy, thoughts, and experience to start our discussion. We’ll use a polling tool to make the discussion interactive, participatory, and allow you to share your stories and experience.

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Kevin Burns

Kevin is a lean and agile product development coach with a passion for helping teams turn their ideals into implementations that wow their users and customers. He’s been helping teams think different about their flow and how they measure success for over twenty years. Kevin’s love for coaching and teaching came from his Peace Corps service in the 90’s. Today, Kevin is still trying to work-himself-out-of-a-job by coaching product teams to continuously learn and by focusing team success in terms of the beneficial impacts and outcomes they're trying to achieve for their users, customers, and stakeholders.

http://sagesw.com kburns@sagesw.com @kevinbburns


  • Twitter: @kevinbburns