Secure-iffy in the News

by Erin Warhol, Shae Armstrong, and Ben Skoglund | at MinneBar 13

Data breaches, social media harvesting, cats and dogs living together... mass data mishandling! While impressive technical tools exist to help grow the security maturity of organizations, we are finding that policy and procedure are the biggest weaknesses. This will be an energetic, non-technical discussion of the learning opportunities that are so abundant in the news these days.

We'll talk about:

  • Basic best practices for information security
  • What organizations can learn from the recent MASSIVE fails in the news (e.g. Equifax, Facebook...)
  • Q/A
  • All levels

    Erin Warhol

    Erin has led Information Technology and Information Security initiatives for 21 years for large corporations, K-12 and higher education, and start-ups. She also consulted for a risk management company that focuses on physical security, including intelligence and behavioral assessment. She also consults for small businesses and mentors in STEM.

    She specializes in:

  • Third Party Security
  • Security Program Creation
  • Training
  • Risk Assessment and Threat Modeling
  • Management Strategies
  • Shae Armstrong

    This person hasn't yet added a bio.

    Ben Skoglund

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