Compliance - Songs, Shadows and a Desert Sky

by Jason Peterson | at MinneBar 13

Regulations and obligations are a part of business - and they are growing.

I'll share some lessons learned and some thoughts on the 2018 terrain.

  • Compliance and Governance
  • Privacy: General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
  • Credit Cards and PCI Requirements
  • IT Audits

Let's also chat about the challenges you are facing around compliance in your value chains and product offerings.

All levels

Jason Peterson

I started off working on standard IT audits and identity access management. Since then I have added on other topics including compliance, supplier management and data privacy.

I enjoy running and reading westerns (e.g. Louis L'Amour and Max Brand) when I can.

You can find me on Twitter: @jasondpeterson


  • Twitter: @jasondpeterson