Designing for 3D Printing

by Robbie Halvorson | at MinneBar 13 | 10:20 – 11:10 in Tackle | View Schedule

3D printing has become mainstream but the hurdle to success can be creating or finding the 3D models to print. This session will be part presentation, part discussion on free or low cost tools and resources for designing parts for 3D printing. We will also cover some design guidelines. The session will be very interactive and partly shaped by the experience level of the participants.

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Robbie Halvorson

Robbie is currently a Senior Designer at Boston Scientific designing anatomical models for testing and training. For almost 20 years he has focused on complex surface modeling, animation, and leveraging 3d printing to produce everything from pacemakers to bike saddles. Previously he has worked for Amazon, Specialized Bike, and HTC.