by Brian Krohn | at MinneBar 13 | 4:00 – 4:50 in Discovery | View Schedule
The Lean Startup, Human Centered Design, Design Thinking, Rapid Prototyping, and Dynamic Equity are all great buzzwords but what do they actually mean in practice?
A year ago we set out on a quest to test these ideas and demonstrate how they can lead to truly unexpected places.
Join us on our journey in creating a wizard staff that actually does wizard things (like shoot fog and fire). See them in action at
Act 1: How to fail at killing your darling.
Act 2: People power and unlocking potential with dynamic equity.
Act 3: A whole new world: lean digital marketing and micro manufacturing.
Brian Krohn, Ph.D. is a serial entrepreneur with businesses ranging from heathIT, green fuel, Minnesota hops, and yes, creating a wizard staffs. He is currently the Entrepreneur in Residence and Project Manager at Modern Logic, where he helps businesses got from the spark of an idea to a scaled business.