Active Data – A New Way to Build Interactive Applications for Business

by Sergey Tolkachev | at MinneBar 13

We will discuss new generation of personal Virtual Assistants, which facilitates conversation based discovery, adds domain specific meaning to sentences, fine-tunes choices, then handles the resulting information in accordance with personal needs, like: "tell my doctor that I have a headache", or - "ask my local retailers to send me their offers". Active Data is the solution for the problem of "if-then" logic and the core model of context-dependent interactions.

As an example, I will use Best Buy development API and NNOD SDK to present the demo of chatbot which was built in 7 days.

ChatBot in 7 days

All levels

Sergey Tolkachev

I am a software developer and founder of a startup software company 256gl. Our goal is to deliver AI applications that have the ability to "understand". Prior to starting my own company, I worked as the CTO for Outsell, where we developed one of the first commercial ChatBots for car dealerships from 1999-2001. Before that, I was the Director of Academic Computing and an associate professor in the department of Applied Mathematics. My current research focuses on neural networks, contextual and conversational search, and building tools for personal assistants in healthcare, smart homes, and retail businesses. My credo is to merge science and engineering in harmony.
