Blogging for Fun.....and Profit?

by Chris Moffitt | at MinneBar 13

Blogging might seem a little bit like ancient web history but I think they are still as relevant and useful today as they have ever been. However, anyone thinking about creating a technical blog should think about what they want to get out of the blog. Becoming the next google adsense millionaire is likely going to be a challenge. If blog profits are not going to fund an early retirement, why do it?

In this talk, I will discuss my experience with running Practical Business Python for the past several years. I plan to cover some of the details that might help you decide if you want to run a technically-focused blog. I am not selling anything and don't claim to have "5 Must-Do Tips To Publicize You Blog." Topics I will cover include:

  • Affiliate revenue streams
  • Other tangible/intangible benefits of running a technical blog
  • Hosting costs
  • Static blog technology
  • Figuring out which articles will be home runs
  • What it takes to be mildly (wildly?) successful
  • Dealing with impostor syndrome
  • What you can do to show appreciation to your favorite bloggers
  • Any other topics the crowd is interested in
All levels

Chris Moffitt

Chris has been working with python and other open source technologies for many years. He frequently blogs at Practical Business Python.
