🤩🤘🏽 Side Projects for Fun and Profit - 2018 Edition

by Adeel Ahmad | at MinneBar 13

This is a follow up to last year's popular session with new advice and updated slides. Here they are!

This took will be super fast-paced but fun and informative...

I'll go over things like:

  • why do a side project?

  • what if I don't have the coding skills?

  • how can I learn what I need to code?

  • how should an experienced coder approach side projects?

  • what if I don't have the money?

  • how do I get users?

  • how do I validate it?

  • how much time will this take?

  • what about XYZ myth that says I can't do this?

  • what about XYZ reason to keep procrastinating?

I'll also go over my own progress on projects since last Minnebar.

All levels

Adeel Ahmad

Head of Engineering at The Folklore. The premier wholesale platform to discover diverse and sustainable brands in global markets/

Founder/Principal at Lab 1908, a startup studio in St. Paul.

Investor/advisor at a bunch of startups around Twin Cities and San Francisco.
