Advanced Fiddler Techniques

by Robert Boedigheimer | at Minnebar 19

Fiddler is a great free web diagnostic tool that nearly everyone uses, but typically only for very basic things. Fiddler has many more advanced features that most developers are unaware of. It can be used to capture traffic from smartphones, tablets, and non-Windows platforms! Discover the power of manipulating requests and responses with breakpoints, the auto responder, and a visual composer. Review popular extensions for formatting JavaScript, syntax highlighting, and detecting image bloat. Go beyond the basics and learn the full capabilities of the tool and how it can improve your web development and debugging techniques today!

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Robert Boedigheimer

Robert Boedigheimer provides business solutions with web technologies. He is a Microsoft MVP, a Progress Champion (Fiddler), an ASPInsider, a Pluralsight author, and a 3rd degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do. Robert regularly speaks at national and international events.

  • Twitter: @boedie

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