Identifying and Maintaining health

by Bjorn Orstad | at Minnebar 18 | 1:00 – 1:45 in Discover | View Schedule

Keeping up with technology can be harsh on our health whether it be mental or physical. But what is health?

I hope to help people discover what health means to them as individuals. With all of the huge tech and especially AI sessions that are going on, I felt like it would be nice to have a session to look inward to make sure that we are all staying as healthy as we can.

In this session, I will talk about the following.

How to identify health Health means different things for different people so finding what it means to you is very important.

How to chunk your health It can be overwhelming to take on a large challenge all at once, so chunking is key when trying to keep yourself healthy.

How to identify actions to achieve health In line with the first two bullet points the goal is to use your definition of health and chunking techniques to identify actionable steps to reach a healthy state of being.

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Bjorn Orstad

I am a 16-year-old health and tech enthusiast with aspirations to be a psychiatrist. I go to school at Exploration High School and Minneapolis Community and Technical College. I am of the belief that technology can make the world a better place as long as the people at the helm steer us toward it. The only real personal tech industry experience I have is that I enjoy creating indie video games in my spare time.

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