🪄 SwiftUI Magic: Advanced Techniques for Complex Interfaces.

by Tyler Johnson and Paul Himes | at Minnebar 17 | 3:45 – 4:30 in Learn | View Schedule

SwiftUI has revolutionized the way developers create user interfaces for Apple’s platforms. Its declarative API makes it fast and simple to build most common UI designs. However, as applications become more complex, developers may find themselves fighting the system to create truly unique and dynamic interfaces.

In this talk, we’ll cover some of the techniques we’ve used in our projects to achieve custom UI designs. We’ll use animation to add whimsy, implement custom view alignment, create a new layout container, respond dynamically to user interaction, and improve navigation with custom transitions. With these tools you’ll be able to confidently tackle many types of custom interfaces in your SwiftUI apps.

While all experience levels are welcome, this talk covers advanced topics, so some familiarity with SwiftUI is recommended.

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Tyler Johnson

Tyler is a software developer with Livefront

Paul Himes

As a principal software engineer, Paul has over 10,000 hours of three-dimensional experiences at Livefront.