Raise or Fold? Business Lessons from the Card Table

by Zack Steven and Jaim Zuber | at Minnebar 15

Zack and Jaim spent their younger years making $$$ at supposedly unwinnable games. They later realized the lessons they learned at the card table helped them when starting their own businesses and navigating the startup world. This session will cover basic blackjack and poker strategy and how to apply those lessons to succeed in your own business.

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Zack Steven

I am a lifelong entrepreneur and leader who is passionate about good design, big ideas, and strong inclusive communities.

I find the path from napkin to traction exhilarating and have traveled it multiple times personally and with clients. I am a Founding Partner of Monkey Island Ventures, and CEO of Cloudburst, SBC.

I have a degree in Studio Art from Grinnell College and have spent the past 20 years mastering the art of business in leadership roles across Product, Sales, Finance and Operations for organizations ranging from startups to public companies. At its best, business is sculpture.

I hold several patents, am a Minnesotan on the Move award recipient, and have served on non-profit boards including MetroIBA, St. Paul Central High School Foundation and Unity Church-Unitarian. I am a native of The North and live in Edina with my wife and two sons.

If any of this aligns with your interests, let's connect on Twitter: @zacksteven or in person at MinneBar. Just @ me.


  • Twitter: @zacksteven

Jaim Zuber

Jaim is an iOS Developer/Consultant and Fractional Technology Leader. You can find his written thoughts preserved at his blog.

Jaim is back in the indie life after recently leaving a job as a Director of Software Engineering at a Digital Bank.

He likes baseball, BBQ, and making noise with a modest array of instruments… sometimes in public.
