by Greg Daigle | at Minnebar spring 2020 (canceled)
Last year’s Minnebar presentation of LENR: A Primer gave a backgrounder on efforts by researchers and corporations like Leonardo Corp., Google, Brilliant Light Power and Brillouin Energy to monetize Low Energy Nuclear Reactions, or what used to be known as “cold fusion”. This year the US Congress has charged the National Science Foundation to evaluate the experiments and theories surrounding LENR as part of the 2020 NSF budget.
Today’s session will focus on Andrea Rossi's E-Cat. After a short introduction and backgrounder, we’ll be joined by Frank Acland, creator of the E-Cat World website which has followed Rossi’s research for a decade. We will open the session to questions from the audience for Frank and other interviewees.
Could LENR power and heat an electric vehicle for over a year on a single charge? Will it supplement – or supplant – solar in some regions? What is its future as a non-intermittent distributed energy generator?
Since the '80s I have spent a career in human-centered design while looking for the next unexpected innovations in technology, known as “black swans”, and wrote of those experiences. LENR, which I have followed for about 10 years, is one of those technologies and appears poised to introduce worldwide change to our energy economy.
As a former professor of industrial design at Minneapolis College of Art and Design, I contributed to the design of a range of physical products — from the creation of Ethospace for the designer of the Aeron and Equa chairs, to the world’s first commercial fused deposition modeler (now commonly known as 3D printing), to the front-end display of a Cray supercomputer and concept hybrid mowers for Toro.
In the '90s as a co-founder of ICONOS I designed internationally awarded STEM software for kids, ranked alongside classic software titles Myst and Carmen SanDiego. More recently I taught interaction and interface design at the University of Minnesota, led digital badge concepts under a MacArthur grant and managed QA testing and customer support for e-learning authoring tool ZebraZapps created by Dr. Michael Allen, one of the co-founders of software giant Macromedia (later folded into Adobe).
Portfolio at The Unlit Pipe