by Eric A. Zerwas | at MinneBar 14
This session will give a high-level overview of how to create above average training and animated promotional videos in-house.
Like anything else associated with technology, the ability to create useful and timesaving training and promotional video content is becoming cheaper and easier to do than ever. During this session, I will talk about how I have helped software companies improve their client and staff training/help content via video creation, along with creating animated videos/online ads to help promote products, service, and events, all in-house.
Specifically, we will cover the use of:
So, if you are simply looking at options to take your office video help/info content creation internally, or, if you are interested in getting into this expanding field, come join us and learn how to make decent video content on a budget.
Eric comes with decades of combined experience working with clients in detailed creative mediums, spanning from starting out in the competitive world of portrait photography and video production, to working as a Multimedia Training Coordinator and Content Strategist for software companies here in the Twin Cities. On top of his love of creating and producing in-house training, promotional, and post-event videos, Eric’s passion for breaking down and simplifying complex processes and delivering them in a visual, easy-to-understand, digestible format, is definitely one of the main reasons he gets up every day excited to go to a job he absolutely loves.