Let's Talk About Agile!

by Tsering Choephel | at MinneBar 14 | 3:45 – 4:30 in Zeke Landres | View Schedule

Ever wondered the why, what and how the software development teams use Agile framework to design, develop, test, deploy and repeat again? Well - wonder no more! I'll teach you the best practices of how people, process and tools come together to consistently deploy enhancements, bug fixes, and performance improvements for users to enjoy.

This session is designed to entice the minds of all levels from Developers to Engineers to Analyst to Product Owners to everyone in between.

I will reserve 15 mins at the end of the session for Q&A.

Tsering Choephel Analyst at Best Buy Corporate Office


All levels

Tsering Choephel

An analyst at Best Buy Corporate Office for Marketing and Supply Chain division of Digital and Technology.
