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A crash course on Hiring and Firing

by Genghis Philip and Brianna Durfee | at MinneBar 14

Building and maintaining the right team is one of the most important parts of running a company -- but for many of us, hiring is a complete black box. Post a job, cross your fingers, and sort through applicants.

This first half of this session is aimed at quickly giving you a toolset to evaluate when to hire, how to set criteria, how to interview, and how to hire.

The second half focuses on how to deal with troubles-- remediating problems, performance improvement plans, and termination. Our goal is to let you know where your responsibilities and liabilities are, and how to be humane throughout the process.

This session is intended to be pretty rapid-fire, and HR questions often require a little digging before we can answer responsibly, so please send any Hiring/Termination questions along to @hawksfire on twitter, or before the session and we'll try to get to them.

All levels

Genghis Philip

Genghis is an ultimate player, boxer, and gamer. He has spent the better part of the last decade making sure teams work well together at various and sundry tech companies around the cities, with titles ranging from Scrum Master to Director of Engineering to COO. He also sits on the board of the Twin Cities Ultimate League and thinks you should sign up for summer league.

I guess you could follow him on Twitter (@hawksfire), but only if you're particularly interested in all-caps tweets about the Chicago Bears.


  • Twitter: @hawksfire

Brianna Durfee

Brianna is the Director of People at technology/healthcare company, Revel Health. From doubling their employee headcount over the last year to moving into a brand new space in the North Loop, she has been busy leading the Human Resources side of this growing company.

In this fast pace and competitive market, Revel focuses on the best ways to find great talent, hire great talent and develop great talent!