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Everywhere UX

by Ken Krutsch | at MinneBar 14

User Experience Design is a mindset, more than it is a process or a set of specific skills.

Principles of UX are ever present: crafting an impactful presentation, telling the world who you are on LinkedIn, even how you correspond with someone via e-mail. All these forms of content are little "user interfaces" that enable interactions with our colleagues, clients, and customers. UX goes beyond websites and mobile app user interfaces; it includes how you perceive your customers or clients - and how they perceive you.

We will show concrete examples and leave you with thoughts that might change they way you think about everything.

We come in, give an engaging talk for 20 minutes, followed by discussion. The last one we did was a lively Q&A that lasted another 30 minutes.

All levels

Ken Krutsch

I’m a seasoned technology and operations executive, product architect, and user experience designer.

My mission in life is to create great products and customer experiences. My design and technical creativity has garnered the industry's highest recognition.

Of note is Aireo for SoniqCast (CES Best of Show finalist in the Portable DAV category) and ICON Manager, winning numerous Editor’s Choice Awards as well as Best of Show finalist at VMworld. My clients benefit from 14 US patents, awarded as a result of my inventive product design.
