by Bruno Bornsztein and Kevin McArdle | at MinneBar 14 | 10:20 – 11:05 in Texas | View Schedule
What: A discussion about what it takes to start, grow, and exit a bootstrapped business.
Bang bang boogie: Bruno Bornsztein (InfluenceKit, Curbly) will talk about how to start, why success and failure can look the same at the beginning, and why knowing your weakness might be your greatest strength.
Let’s rock: Bjork Ostrom (Pinch of Yum, Food Blogger Pro, WP Tasty) will share his experience building a team and growing revenue.
Drop the mic: Kevin McArdle (SureSwift Capital) will talk about what a bootstrapped exit looks like, and how to position a successful bootstrapped business for the next step.
I'm the founder InfluenceKit (and previously, Curbly and ManMadeDIY). I've been building web apps since the early 2000s, and spent most of the last ten years running online content businesses. These days I'm building a SaaS application that helps automate reporting for influencer marketing.
I am the Co-Founder and CEO of SureSwift Capital. We acquire and operate successful technology companies.