by Brian Krohn and Steven Thomalla | at MinneBar 14
Only 1 in 3 Kickstarters are successful. How do you tip the odds in your favor?
Join us for a journey through the $30,000 funded Kickstarter for Magic Wizard Staff link. Magic Wizard Staff ( makes wizard staffs that actually do wizard things like shoot a 3 foot flame or billow a cloud of fog. We created Magic Wizard Staff specifically to learn how to run a Kickstarter and now we are sharing our lessons learned with you.
Come one, come all, and learn about:
Come and learn from our mistakes in this brutally honest and conversation based session.
Magic Wizard Staff is just the beginning. In addition to hearing about our trials and tribulations, come and learn about our next project The Reactor. The Reactor is a group of engineers and marketers that meets regularly with the goal of building successful products for Kickstarter. Find out how we are implementing our lessons learned to meet our 2019 goal of receiving over $100,000 in funding on Kickstarter.
Brian Krohn, Ph.D. is a serial entrepreneur with businesses ranging from heathIT, green fuel, Minnesota hops, and yes, creating a wizard staffs. He is currently the Entrepreneur in Residence and Project Manager at Modern Logic, where he helps businesses got from the spark of an idea to a scaled business.
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