MinneNerds 🤓 - Community Discussion

by Ben J MacKinney | at MinneBar 14

MinneStar has created an incredible ecosystem over the years. Many of us are committed to the success of the Twin Cities and the people in it.

How can we make Minnesota the best place to launch a startup by having the best early adopters, beta testers, "social media influencers" around? Having the most engaged community!

Think of it this way, if you were launching a startup, wouldnt it be amazing to know there were 10,000 people out there that are willing to buy your app, give you detailed feedback, connect you with the people you need to take the next step?

Are you willing to be a community ambassador? Mentor? Do you want to expand your resume by doing some work for an early stage startup?

Join us for our open discussion! Should this be an extension of Minnestar? Do we need a formal process to endorse a startup? What would be compelling enough to make you tweet about a new product? Can we extend this to big companies for their innovative work?

Come with questions. Limit 1 ish minute per rant :)


Ben J MacKinney

Hi! Thanks for checking out my bio. Im an entrepreneur and advise startups. More than anything, I love to help people bring their ideas to life and help with strategic planning. If you are an aspiring entrepreneur, product owner or marketer I'd love to connect and jam with you after the conference!

I love MINNESTAR and am a huge advocate for entrepreneurship and innovation as ways to change the world for good.

Looking forward to chatting!


  • Twitter: @BenMacKinney