Evangelizing Python For Business

by Katie Kodes and Chris Moffitt | at MinneBar 14

Python's simple structure has been vital to the democratization of data science.

But as the field rushes forward, making splashy headlines about specialized new jobs, everyday Excel users remain unaware of the value that elementary building blocks of Python for data science can bring them at the office.

Join us for a conversation about bringing Python out of IT and into the business. We'll share challenges and successes from writing tutorials, teaching classes, and advocating adoption among new users.

All levels

Katie Kodes

Once told, "I've always imagined your brain is shaped like an old-fashioned library card catalog," Katie is thrilled by any chance to help others find -- and maintain -- order in their data.

Katie blogs about SQL, Python, Salesforce, and other ways to deal with data at https://www.katiekodes.com/


  • Twitter: @KatieKodes

Chris Moffitt

Chris has been working with python and other open source technologies for many years. He frequently blogs at Practical Business Python.
