by John Cosgrove | at MinneBar 14
We will take you through our journey of being an idea to a prototype and finally to a fully fledged thriving business and what we learned on that journey that could help you bring your ideas to the world. No investors, no angels, just a belief and a willingness to listen to potential clients.
immigrated to the Twin Cities from his native Northern Ireland in 1999. Starting his new life alongside the legendary pub (and now whiskey) mogul Kieran Folliard, he stepped out on his own in 2006 with an event services business. His experience as a presenter, emcee, and facilitator is as diverse as it is wide. He has hosted more than 300 corporate events, many for Fortune 500 companies. In addition, John has created a number of software applications including VoiceHive, to help facilitate more engaging audience participation that can be measured.
Twitter @irishcosgrove