Build Your Own Self-Driving Car or Advances In Computer Vision

by Albert Choy | at MinneBar 14

Every car company (from Tesla to BMW) is trying to build a self-driving car. One of the major components is advanced computer vision. In this hour, we will look at convolutional neural networks and the latest in open source image processing libraries. This technology will allow the viewer to differentiate between pedestrians, motorcycles, larger vehicles and stationary objects. Feel free to come listen or bring your laptop, a strong beverage, and join in the coding fun.


Albert Choy

I have been code-slinging and designing software for over 30 years (before some of you were born). Particularly in computer field it has been languages, databases, AI and communication. My non-computing interests are wide, suffice to say it goes from reading (everything) to writing/storytelling (fiction, film-making, game-mastering).
