by Dick Polipnick | at MinneBar 14 | 2:50 – 3:35 in Harriet | View Schedule
How to apply agile software development principles in your daily life
Do you have a to-do list that seems to be a black hole abyss with hydra-like characteristics? Every time you get something done, two more tasks seem to pop up!
Have you ever noticed that some people somehow get more done in a day than others? We all have the same 24 hours in a day, so how is it that the Elon Musks of the world seem to accomplish more in a year than most people do their entire lives?
Learn how to be the Scrum Master of your own life and use the agile principles that the world's most efficient teams use to build the apps and products you use every day.
In this audience-interactive workshop, you'll learn:Dick Polipnick is a serial entrepreneur and startup advisor. He has helped big-name brands turn their e-commerce businesses to profit and advised startups to win business competitions.
Dick is a tech hybrid that combines his business experience, marketing background, and software engineering education to solve tough problems.
In addition to being a developer and an entrepreneur, Dick is the host of Online Growth Systems- an online community of #growthers (or people that focus on "growthing" their health, wealth, love and happiness) by creating digital content including blogs, videos, podcasts, and a newsletter called "The #Growther's Digest".
Dick enjoys backpacking and traveling as well as board games.