by Don Ball (old account 1) | at MinneBar 14
Thinking about leaving your posh corporate job to become a freelancer, consultant or owner of a (hopefully) growing small business?
Facing such a big decision you probably have lots of questions, like:
"Can I get rich?"
"Will I die poor and destitute?"
You might also have how-to questions about how to set up your business, how to do marketing and sales, billing, payroll, contracts , etc. You know, the fun stuff.
Bring your questions to this session. I and a few solopreneur friends will be on hand to field any questions, point you to resources and help you make a better decision.
Note: startup founders, you are certainly welcome, but just to be clear, we will not be discussing startup-specific topics like funding, scaling, recruiting, etc.
I'm a long-time Minnebar attendee and the occasional session-holder.
I'm a writer by training. Enthusiasms include:
History and archaeology
1/35 scale military models
Abstract painting (no, really)
The tech that I enjoy most is of the mad-scientist kind.
My day job is co-founder and chief social officer at Fueled Collective, MN's original and largest locally-owned coworking space.