😃💥 Experience Happiness: From startup to a Million a month with no investors- you can do it too!
by Jeffry Brown | at MinneBar 14
Explore the power of happiness, how it drives all aspects of wellbeing, and how it's influencing policy,economics, education, business and more. Plus you'll learn about a small Twin Cities startup that is going global, from startup to $million a month with one global contract, through happiness.
Jeff guides guides this session to show you how to create a competitive advantage for businesses through happiness. The Happiness Practice (THP) is an evidence-based mental health solution and a life-transforming and sustainable practice that mitigates and prevents stress and fear, while increasing happiness, mindfulness, and performance. THP empowers leaders to champion and cultivate individual and organizational happiness, while measuring Return On Happiness (ROH) tied to key performance measures. Jeff will share THP at minnebar, helping us all to be happier as individuals and more effective as leaders.
And if you are already happy, the way this local startup is going global is a lesson in itself and will provide value to how you look at taking a product to market so you can accomplish this too.
Jeffry Brown
Jeffry Brown Dreamer - Doer - Storyteller http://www.linkedin.com/in/jeffrybrown
THINKING DIFFERENTLY - ENTREPRENEUR - CREATE POSITIVITY - INVESTOR Jeff has spent his career starting, leading, leaving and coaching businesses, after first working at Apple in that company's early years where he worked directly with Steve Jobs on creating the companies future and culture. He is one of the founding members of Hill Capital and coaches entrepreneurial businesses in growth strategy and culture.
Life long teacher and learner never looking back but always looking forward. Not retired but re-fired to help others find and enjoy their purpose.
- Twitter: @Ideawhiz