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You Make Connected Gadgets

by Eric Tsai | at MinneBar 14

Yes, you! You can build connected gadgets to solve life's minor challenges.

The stack of skills needed to make end-to-end IoT projects is very broad: wireless protocols, hardware, embedded firmware, mobile apps, databases, data analytics. Let's talk about tools and platforms to manage that complexity and make each piece of the IoT stack easier and more accessible. This will be a technical talk with real demos. We'll walk through the architecture and mechanics of making low power wireless sensors to solve practical problems. From simple sensors that monitor doors/windows to geolocating your dog inside the house.

Come with ideas for problems that you want solved. Make the IoT you wish to see in the world.

Topics: WiFi, Bluetooth, LoRa, MQTT, Raspberry Pi, Arduino, mBED, ESP8266/32, Nordic, NodeRED, InfluxDB, Grafana, OpenHAB, Home Assistant

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Eric Tsai

I make things talk to stuff. Wirelessly. From far far away.

I'm interested in wireless technologies (Bluetooth, LoRa, WiFi, cellular), low power connected device design, and open source tools and platforms that make IoT easier.
