The Pirate Ships CPA unlocking a treasure in business

by Lee Prinkkila - CPA, CGMA | at MinneBar 12

As a CPA (Cutthroat Pirate Accountant) for 20 years and worked with many startups, mid-sized and over 150 publicly traded companies throughout the world. I have bought them, sold them and even scuttled them by banks order.

My passion is business, all types and learning new things especially their secrets.

I have compiled them all into a treasure map - and eventually a sit-com - but it will be an entertaining tale of setting sail with many of the greatest pirate legends you never heard of yet.

We will learn the four things all successful business have in common, you will walk away with that mighty treasure trove of knowledge especially if you are a start-up.

Are you worried about the government catching you for not complying with the Stamp Tax? I can give you the keys to keep you out of the stocks by doing these two things.

Are you afraid of the sharks? Don't worry the lamprey are who you should fear. Sharks kill and eat you.

Are you afraid of the Crew Mutining? I can tell you the secret to that as well.

This is like a TED Talk given by one of the most extroverted CPA in the State who has spent years on an adventure he would like to share with you, except I can talk longer than 15 minutes. You will walk away with energy and the map to a world of secrets to be a successful startup.

Take Aways -
1. I can source out some Free Resources for your journey as I know all the good ports of call.
2. The inside scoop on financials the only thing you need to know - the things the auditors can tell you things about your company 3. Complimentary Spreadsheets -
4. Maybe Rum.

All levels

Lee Prinkkila - CPA, CGMA

Lee's mission is to leave this place better off than he found it.

For over 20 years Lee has read the Tax code filed thousands of returns and audited many times and does the fractional CFO thing for startups, established companies, and even a publicly traded CFO for a spell.

As a CPA and Fractional CFO, Lee gets in and builds financial statements to comply with the tax code so you can keep more of what you earn. Then you can help more people with it. Lee specializes in designing the strategy for the R&D tax credits and help comply with the tax code - the ever-changing tax code. In his spare time, he writes articles for Tax Preparers and will this year start a series of training classes for CPAs across the country on leadership, speed and innovation in the tax preparers world after the tax reform changes and Wayfair.

To quote the rule of acquisition number 255 A wife is a luxury, a smart accountant a necessity.


  • Twitter: @LeePrinkkila