Planning the Exit at the Start

by Draeke Weseman and Tyler Furger | at MinneBar 12 | 2:00 – 2:50 in Discovery | View Schedule

Understanding buy-sell agreements and exit planning is a crucial part of the startup founder's journey. This introductory session by Certified Financial Planner Tyler Furger and business attorney Draeke Weseman will lay out the concepts and issues startup founders should know about as they go through the business life cycle.

Some of the talking points for the presentation will be:

(1) The value of building a business to sell (regardless of when or how you want to sell it.) (2) The relationship between business value and your personal financial plan. (3) How to leverage your financial and legal advisers effectively to build business value.


Draeke Weseman

Business Attorney at Messerli & Kramer P.A.

Tyler Furger

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