by Susan Quakkelaar | at MinneBar 12 | 9:25 – 10:15 in Learn | View Schedule
This session will provide a quick overview of David Allen's Getting Things Done methodology and then promptly dive into a demonstration of how the speaker uses various tools and tricks to achieve a peaceful state of GTD bliss.
If there is time, we'll have an open discussion of audience favorite tools and tricks, too.
Susan Quakkelaar is the Digital Manager at Twin Cities Public Television. She joined TPT in 2012 and leads internal and external teams to define, design, build, test, launch and maintain various digital applications and web sites.
Susan brings over ten years of digital experience to her role at tpt. She’s held positions with local ad agencies including Carmichael Lynch and JWT, positions with client-side firms including Best Buy and Cambria, and she’s managed various freelance projects as well. For extra fun and sport, she taught project management for seven years at her alma mater, the Minneapolis College of Art and Design.