by Bill Bushey | at MinneBar 11
OMG Transit has recently gone open source and become an Open Twin Cities sponsored community project. Now everybody has an opportunity to contribute to this local civic technology application that helps hundreds of people use public transit to get to work, friends, family and parties every day.
Come spend a little time in a Minnehackspace focused on OMG Transit. Come learn about the tech, talk about current and future features, and become one of the first community contributors to this fantastic project.
Docker and AWSThere's plenty of opportunity for new features and tickets in the future. Right now, we do have one big goal in mind for OMG Transit: move it from it's current hosting solution to Amazon Web Services. Why? Because Amazon has donated AWS credits to Open Twin Cities to help us host open source, civic tech projects. As part of this project, we've decided to Dockerize OMG Transit, to both help us deploy the application to AWS, and to help any future contributors get OMG running on their own machines right away.
Join us if you know anything about AWS (bonus points if you understand permissions or deploying Docker containers via Elastic Beanstalk). And join us if you want to learn more about AWS and Docker!