Embedded Linux Meets FPGA Capes – Just Imagine the DIY Possibilities!

by Andy Gikling | at MinneBar 11

Ever heard of a Raspberry Pi or a BeagleBone Black? Ever heard of FPGAs and Yocto Linux?

Want to know more?

This high tech presentation on the current state of Embedded Linux is sure to satisfy!

We will be discussing the latest advancements in the field of real-time embedded controls based on Linux. We will explain how and why Linux with hardware acceleration can be a fantastic platform for advanced computer control systems. Algorithm acceleration in Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) hardware will be explained with a number of DIY examples.

The Yocto Linux build system provides a framework for the average computer hobbyist to quickly get started with real-time controls. Yocto can be used to target the two most popular Embedded Linux single board computers - the Raspberry Pi and the BeagleBone Black. We will describe how these low cost computers can be used to do things like robotics, home automation, computer vision, video streaming and more!


Andy Gikling

I'm a computer/software/hardware/Linux enthusiast.

I currently write medical device software for Minnetronix Inc. in Saint Paul.

@SoundGains http://www.soundgains.com

#GripAndRip #LinuxForTheWin
