by Scott Davis | at MinneBar 11
Companies building product on a budget always struggle with what to get done first. Scope creep exists in projects for both startups and enterprises. In this session will talk about how to manage scope by applying it to your ARMS => Acquisition, Retention, Monetization, and Self-Preservation. If a feature does fit solidly in your ARMS, don't build it. No more discussions of "You know what would be cool?" "Cool" isn't a requirement good enough (even for a sexy new startup) to build a feature if it doesn't fit solidly one of the other categories. Bring your questions, we will attempt to leave the last half of the session for Q&A. Any question on management, startups, gaming, mobile, robots, aliens, soup, rocks, etc are welcome.
Scott is the CEO of QONQR. He has been a software developer longer than he hasn't. Scott holds an MBA in New Venture Management from the University of St Thomas.
"QONQR: World In Play" is a game on the iPhone, Android, and Windows Phone. Players use the GPS on their phones to battle for and capture the towns and cities where they live, work and play. Since the release in March of 2012, over a million towns and cities, spanning nearly every country in the world have been captured. QONQR is a MMO (Massively Mulitiplayer) location-based mobile game, which now covers 36% of the populated Earth.