Don't lose the "WOW", when making your pitch, you may never get what you're asking for.

by Jeffry Brown and Chris Carlson | at MinneBar 11 | 9:00 – 9:50 in Harriet | View Schedule

Don't lose the "WOW" when you tell your story or make your pitch, you may never get what you're asking for.

Are you a persuasive or informative presenter? Sales is a human connection sport and if you're not persuasive the sale won't happen.

Entrepreneurs/innovators have a gift to see things differently. They take divergent pieces of information and combine them in an innovative fashion to achieve new business opportunities. They see the big picture and how it points to success. But they don't know how to pitch or tell their story. Consequently, the entrepreneur struggles to get support and or money to pursue the journey. The excitement of discovery begins to die. The enthusiasm dwindles, the profound emotional connection with the idea fades, what we call The Loss of "Wow".

If you understand this you need to attend this session. We will show how to never lose the "Wow". We will show you how to craft your communications so you will not struggle to get support for your vision, opportunity and idea. We will show you how to find investors as well as supporters.

Whether you're an entrepreneur, innovator or new product developer, our communication concepts will give your message a big impact, "WOW".

All levels

Jeffry Brown

Jeffry Brown Dreamer - Doer - Storyteller

THINKING DIFFERENTLY - ENTREPRENEUR - CREATE POSITIVITY - INVESTOR Jeff has spent his career starting, leading, leaving and coaching businesses, after first working at Apple in that company's early years where he worked directly with Steve Jobs on creating the companies future and culture. He is one of the founding members of Hill Capital and coaches entrepreneurial businesses in growth strategy and culture.

Life long teacher and learner never looking back but always looking forward. Not retired but re-fired to help others find and enjoy their purpose.

Chris Carlson

Founder of NarrativePros, a training and consultancy dedicated to inspiring the value of human connection, Chris is an entrepreneur leveraging decades of experience as a professional stage, screen and voice actor as well as a practicing immigration attorney. Through an aggressive inter-disciplinarian approach, Chris seeks to create better stories in all guises and better storytellers in every profession. This pursuit is shaped by and grounded in the practical challenges and resources that businesses and individuals are confronted with.