How Changing My Birthday on Facebook Taught Me How to Win the Startup Game

by hotlou | at MinneBar 11 | 3:45 – 4:35 in Stephen Leacock | View Schedule

Years ago, Lou Abramowski (aka hotlou) changed his birthday to the current day every single day on Facebook as a social experiment.

Find out how long the experiment lasted and what he learned that has now helped him create multiple businesses and how you can learn to meet your business objectives with these lessons. You'll leave the session both with a technique anyone can use to improve their social media marketing effectiveness as much as 10X in one day and better understand what it means for a startup to "win."

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hotlou – aka Lou Abramowski – spent a decade joking he could build a 100k follower list on watching paint dry. Today, much to his surprise and delight, that’s no joke. Dozens of brands, big and small, have benefited from his professional guidance on growth and entrepreneurship, including - founder, ceo, social media automation for SMBs

8thBridge – cofounder, MN Cup Grand Prize 2009, acquired in 2014

Jack Link’s Beef Jerky – from 0 to 1M LIkes on Facebook

OurFamilyWizard – first tech hire, from startup to #1 family management tool in the world