Across the Spectrum: UX Meets IoT

by David Quimby and Lukas Johnson | at MinneBar 10 | 3:45 – 4:35 in Minnetonka | View Schedule

Aggregated computing becomes distributed computing... distributed computing becomes "hyper-distributed" computing. Monolithic content becomes granular content... granular content becomes hyper-granular content. As computing form factors march relentlessly from desktop / laptop to tablet, smartphone, and now the "Internet of Things", user interface paradigms respond accordingly.

Join us in exploring the transition between previous form factors / technology generations and extending the underlying principles of those transitions to IoT -- particularly human-scale IoT.

  • Hyper-distributed computing brings unique UX challenges / opportunities relative to other topologies

  • Human factors at human scale brings unique UX challenges / opportunities relative to other types of hyper-distributed computing

We'll present a case study of Adaptive Avenue -- an emerging hypermedia platform for automatic viewing of personalized Web content and an experiment in non-traditional media at human scale.

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David Quimby

I am a principal at Innovation Radiation, where I practice systematic innovation, experimental design, and technology forecasting. I solved a contradiction early in the 21st century. I am a patented inventor in Web architecture. I collaborated with Doug Engelbart, the inventor of the graphical user interface (GUI), at Stanford Research Institute. I have assimilated into organizational life in realms such as Deloitte Consulting, Best Buy, and Bank of America; while I appreciate the benefits of organizational alignment, I've found that I flourish beyond the constraints of conventional organizational boundaries.

I am a co-founder of Minnesota Change Management Network. I earned a master’s degree in organizational behavior and socio-technical systems at UC / Berkeley and a bachelor’s degree in mathematical economics and developmental economics at UCLA. I've climbed Mt. Whitney; I've done trekking in Thailand, a photographic safari in Kenya, and sea kayaking in Alaska; I've traversed the U.S. and Canada by motorcycle. I've also expanded my cultural horizons with extensive travel in Europe, South America, and Australia.

Lukas Johnson

Lukas Johnson is an MIS major at the Carlson School of Management and an intern at Adaptive Avenue, an emerging hypermedia platform for automatic viewing of personalized Web content. He is passionate about user experience at the intersection of emerging technologies / form factors.