by Ian Fitzpatrick | at MinneBar 10
I received a very unusual encrypted dark web video transmission this morning. On the other end was this dude who looked exactly like me, but was bald and had a pointy goatee.
He started going on about how he was from our dystopian mirror dimension, and how his planet was dying, and how I was the only one that could BLAH BLAH BLAH I sort of tuned him out after a while.
I was like, "LOOK, this is the most elaborate 419 scam I've ever encountered, so props on that. But I can't just go trusting every mirror dimension dystopian twin that wanders along, ya know?"
"So how about this," I suggested. "This Saturday is Minnebar. Following mirror dimension logic, you should have a Minnebar too. Do you?"
"We do...."
"And it runs simultaneous to OUR Minnebar?"
"Perfect. Set up a twitter account, and tweet out session announcements from dystopian Minnebar as they are happening. THEN I will know you are really from our mirror dimension."
"We don't have time for this, our planet is..."
"LA LA LA I can't hear you, setup the twitter account already."
"Fine, it's done."
Follow that twitter account this Saturday for administrative session reminders from MIRROR BAR.
############## NOTE TO ORGANIZER FRIENDS ##############
Let's make it weird.