VR in 2015: Develop now for what's coming

by Zach Wendt | at MinneBar 10

Cut through the hype for a concise understanding of what VR hardware and experiences are coming this year.

Learn The Don'ts for designing and coding terrible VR experiences, and The Do's of interactions uniquely suited to VR.

We'll give this all some context by covering some basic perceptual psychology, including some fun illusions.

By request, I'm adding a quick overview of how you can use consumer hardware today to develop Vive-like VR experiences that have free walking with hand input ...as long as you don't mind looking like Rick Moranis.

I always prefer an interactive audience, so discussions, questions, enthusiasts and skeptics are all welcome.


Zach Wendt

Zach Wendt started graphics programming on an Apple ][+ with a cassette drive. Projects are much more fun now, thanks to more than 6 colors, consumer priced VR, and all the tracking hardware and depth cameras.

For the past 3 years, Zach has organized MN VR and HCI meet ups that bring 50-60 devs and enthusiasts together every month.

Zach really wants your local Virtual Reality project to succeed. Contact @zach_wendt or show up at MN VR and HCI for free advice, to find collaborators, or just to geek out.


  • Twitter: @zach_wendt