JavaScript Application Tooling for a Modern Development Experience

by Aaron Ackerman | at MinneBar 10 | 10:15 – 11:05 in Proverb-Edison | View Schedule

The number of tools for JavaScript projects has exploded since Node.js created a practical solution for running JavaScript outside of a browser window. New tools exist to easily add modularity to a JavaScript front-end application codebase and use a subset of new JavaScript syntax, even in older browsers that companies still have to support today such as IE8.

In this session I'll discuss and provide examples of using build tooling to create a modern development workflow for JavaScript heavy applications.

I'll cover some notable features of ES6 JavaScript. I'll introduce the Babel project. I'll cover integrating Babel with grunt, gulp, webpack, browserify, and simple npm scripts. I'll also cover using Babel with source code, test code, eslint, and jshint.

Most of this talk will be aimed at front-end/browser JavaScript applications, however the information about Babel and ES6 is also applicable in server-side JavaScript projects. It will be impossible to go into any depth about any single tool mentioned above, the intent is to show what is possible right now with prepared, concrete examples.


Aaron Ackerman

I am a senior site reliability engineer working on container orchestration. I tweet at @_aaronackerman_ on twitter and I write open source at @aackerman on github. Always striving to write high quality software.