Design first development.

by Nate Edwards and Bradford Hosack | at MinneBar 10 | 11:15 – 12:05 in Nokomis | View Schedule

Flipgrid reached 1 million users in its first year. In all the work we do, design comes first. We start our work with a focus on the user experience and work backwards.

You'll get a chance to hear from Flipgrid's Co-Founder and Director of Dev Ops on what it takes to break old models, inspire a development team to put design first, and how $17M can be used to bring our product to the world.

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Nate Edwards

Nate researches, designs, and develops experiences rooted in discovering new paths of exploring the connection between the digital and physical worlds. When not hovering over a glowing device, he is busy researching, writing, and having dance parties with his young son.

Bradford Hosack

Brad is an award-winning designer and developer. He is an author, developer, and thrill seeker. He is a Co-Founder of Flipgrid, a PhD student, and on his way to becoming a three time national champion.