by Lloyd Lentz (afka Cledwyn) | at MinneBar 10 | 2:45 – 3:35 in Nokomis | View Schedule
Lloyd Cledwyn will present on Polymer. Polymer [] is a toolset that Google is working on to promote and ease the use of webcomponents [].
Webcomponents are a major improvement that come with HTML5 standards. This talk will discuss the background of webcomponents, give some examples of where they are useful and provide some concrete places for you to get started with WebComponents on your own. Depending on time there are hands on labs that you can experience building a simple app and implementing webcomonents.
Lloyd is the Director of Advancement I.T. at Macalester College, organizer of the Google Developer Group in the Twin Cities [ and], adjunct instructor at the University of St. Thomas Graduate Programs in Software and general proponent of open web development.